What to expect


As instructed in the 4th Commandment, our central worship experience at Messianic Malta Congregation is our weekly Shabbat service. If you are joining us for the very first time you may have some questions about what to expect in a Messianic Jewish synagogue.

Shabbat services is on Saturday mornings at 10:30am and is open to everyone to join in worship.

How long is the service?

Our Shabbat prayer service starts at 10:30am, followed by the teaching and usually runs for between 2.5 and 3 hours in length.

What is the service like?

Our service consists of Jewish liturgy in Hebrew and English, modern Messianic Jewish praise and worship music followed by the message. Once the service is over, we meet over a light snack for building community and fellowship.


Our worship is pure, without flashing lights, colours, and hype. No emotional gimmicks, just pure and honest worship lifted up before the throne of the Almighty. 



We encourage everyone to come to synagogue in your best attire. Members in the synagogue are encouraged to wear a kippah and a tallit during the service.

We have a few spare kippot we can lend in case you have forgotten to wear yours to the service. Please reach out to our staff and they will assist you with one.

If you are called to read from the Torah, the Haf Torah or the Renewed Covenant/ Messianic writings, please ensure you have a head covering to wear when reciting scripture.

Prayer Time

Rabbi/Pastor and leaders will not meet with a person of the opposite sex alone and will always have a witness available during appointments or prayer with a member of the opposite sex. Men pray with men and women are prayed over by women leaders.