All over the world there is an awakening happpening among the believers. Many people are opening their eyes to the truth as found in the Bible and want to draw near to the Jewish Messiah. Malta is not an exception.
At Messianic Malta Congregation, we made it our goal to reach as many people on the island as we can, and bring them to the truth. Part of our programme is to teach the Judaic roots of the Messianic faith as specified in the Bible, especially in the book of Acts . Our goal is to wake up people and helping them to understand what faith in Messiah Yeshua and following the Torah is all about.
We do not believe that the Law of God as written in the Tanakh was ever done away it. Yeshua said in Matthew 5:17 “Don’t think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete (CJB).
Believing in Yeshua and obeying God’s instructions (Torah) can help a person to have a closer relation with our Creator and live an obeidient life that honours and give glory to God.
We’d love for you to experience the same connection to our Lord and Saviour that many beleivers already do, and also feel the family belonging that comes with joining our congregation. Many of our members have found spiritual renewal, peace and hope in our community and we’re certain you will benefit from attending as well! Plus, it’s always an uplifting experience to be surrounded by people sharing the same intentions and beliefs. We can’t wait to see you there!”

Who are we
Messianic Malta was initially established in 2009 by Martin Stivala and his wife Rina after becoming convinced that Yeshua and Jewishness go together like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
After eight years of being led by the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit), searching the scriptures, and studying Torah, they decided to officially launch the Messianic Malta Congregation in 2017. They were also being contacted, at that time, by other people who wanted to know more about the truth of the Word of God that they were living by.
Back then the Congregation consisted of a small group of six people. Today Messianic Malta is the only Messianic Jewish congregation on the island of Malta. We are a multi-cultural congregation consisting of Maltese and foreign residents. Visitors are also welcome.
The reality of Yeshua HaMashiach as the Etz Chayim (tree of life) in our midst brings new meaning to our traditions, as well as depth and life to our faith. Our vision is to serve as a living and united testimony of Messiah Yeshua in Malta and to be a strong testimony to Messianic Judaism as the full revelation of Inspired Scripture, both to Jewish people and to the wider believing community.
We are Shabbat keepers and recognize the set apart 7th day as the first of the set apart times instituted since creation (Gen.2:1-3) and part of the Moedim (Feasts) instituted by God for all HIS people. (Lev. 23).
Our community’s main responsibility is to be a light to the nation of Malta by being a witness to the work of Messiah Yeshua, first as individuals and secondly as a whole on our island.
We are committed to taking the message of faith in Messiah Yeshua and the keeping of the commandments out to the nations. In this way, we will be building the Kingdom of Heaven as well as hastening the return of our beloved Lord and Saviour, Messiah Yeshua, the LORD of lords and KING of kings.

Feel free to contact us